Tuesday, January 31, 2012

the mess of stress

Can you believe January 2012 is pretty much over? 
I'm looking forward to a new month because January ended up being...not my favorite.  
I feel like I was stressed out every single day and turned into a worry wort. Bad things kept happening. And the weird thing was when I recognized bad things happening I would focus on that and the little things started to affect me too. Does that ever happen to you?  Simple little things wouldn't go right and I would freak out. 
 Luckily husband is amazing at dealing with helping me whenever I get in these moods where I imagine the universe hates me. He'll say something funny or make me brownies or do a silly dance to make me laugh and snap me out of it. 
That's the bummer with the New Year for me; you're pumped about new beginnings and have high expectations for an awesome year and then the first month is kinda sucky. I'm constantly reminding myself that one month does not equal the whole year. 
And thankfully, things are starting to look up and work itself out. These past couple of days have been really good.
Some helpful things I learned this month:
*Complaining does nothing. It only brought negative energy and left me in a terrible mood. 
*When you're in a bad mood: take a deep breath, think about all the good things in your life, and breath out. 
*I believe the energy you give is the energy you receive. 
*Hugs work wonders. So does coffee. And wine. 
*Stop worrying. Just enjoy your life and live. 

How do you deal with stress?


  1. My January sounds pretty much like yours and, I can tell you, I'll be glad to see the back of it....

    But on its very last day, January has a pleasant surprise for you. You'll have to check it out here....:

    Could it be an omen that things are looking up....?

    1. I can't believe I won!! I'm so excited! Thank you for having an awesome giveaway!

  2. I'm such a worrier so I know how you feel. Let's just take a deep breath together and KNOW that February will be AWESOME

  3. Hugging my boyfriend! It works. I agree about a cup of coffee. This January is not my favourite too but good things will surely appear after the bad ones strike. You're lucking for having supportive husband. Hoping that February will treat you very nice, Stela!

  4. euch. poor thing! yeah, i'm not great with stress... wine, yoga, meditation cds where i get to pretend i live in an igloo all help.x hope you feel better soon.x

    1. Thank you so much! Things are looking up already!

  5. I take a deep breath, allow myself 60 seconds to "woe is me" and then find something that I know I can accomplish to focus my energy on (simple tasks like clean a room, list a new item, etc) On my worstest days (read 2011) I would have a hot cup of tea, read for an hour, take a nap and then get up and start moving - excercise, walking, play with kids. Here's to a new month and new challenges - hopefully on the up side!! Walking day by day with you Stela!

  6. Wishing you a happier February.
    I haven't mastered dealing with stress. I tend to eat -- and it shows!
    One trick I used when I was younger, and worries were keeping me awake at night:
    I'd write down the worrisome thing on a slip of paper and put it in a box.
    For me it was a God Box -- but it could be a Higher Power Box, or just an Isolate the Worries Box. And by that physical act of putting my worries aside (in a box) for the night, I was able to sleep better.

  7. Yes, hugs, wine, and coffee (an chocolate) help during stressed times for me. We just had two big moves in a row and wine helped alot!
    You'll have a fabulous year though, I know it! One fun thing that happened in January: I found your blog and think it's amazing and love your story about opening a boutique.

    1. Thank you so much Meg! I really appreciate that.

  8. If my stress is being caused by a specific problem, I try to figure out how to eliminate the root cause of that problem and act on it as soon as possible. Just taking action makes me feel a lot better.

    Sometimes it's just general stress, though - little things that add up. Things that help are talking with my friends or husband helps, playing soccer, beading, writing. I remind myself to focus on life, not the obsticals in life.

  9. I had a stressful month, too. It didn't help that my husband was super busy with his own job, so I felt like I had to just deal with it on my own sometimes.

    You're right, complaining only makes it worse. Instead, if something is stressing me out, I get up and do something else for a little while. Reading a book, getting a snack, going to the grocery store, whatever. It's amazing how much better I feel when I just let myself think about something else.

  10. I've realized that it's all in my head. If allow myself to feel down, I will be down. I just have to snap myself out of it.

  11. A common problem for me too!
    A good head massage really helps me...with a cup of ginger tea:)
    And yes breathing in and out is an age old remedy.

    (found u through the blog team)

  12. oh goodness you are so very right. everyone gets so pumped for the new year and all these goals but for some reason the first month is always the hardest. things usually don't start getting the best until march (my birthday month) but i think just surrounding yourself with positive people and just taking goals and such one step at a time and things will turn around. plus, if you mess up or don't accomplish a goal, it's not the end of a year, it was just something to strive for and will still be there when you are ready :)
    xo TJ

  13. my january was terrible! it's hard to deal sometimes when it looks like there is no solution in sight, i just want to break down.. but luckily there are people to get us out of those ruts!

  14. I love hugs and coffee. January was kinda "meh" for me too. Here's to an awesome February and beyond! xoxo!

  15. I want to thank all of you lovely ladies for your comments and tips dealing with stress! I'm sad to find out January was a bummer for most. Let's make February a kick ass month for all of us!!

  16. It's been a really stressful year for me already as well so I can totally relate. And the year started off stressful piled on top of a stressful 2011. I've been trying to find ways to be more positive as well because I've been finding myself dwelling on the negative. For me, I had to set aside time for myself even if that meant changing some bad habits. Instead of watching tv in the evenings while doing work, I started setting aside the last hour in my day to read a book. It really helps me unwind before I go to bed and pairs nicely with a glass of wine (teacher-sized glass as my fiance calls it since it's usually more like almost two glasses worth!). Hope you have a better February and you are able to find some de-stress time!

  17. Aww. Hope you're feeling better. I have friends who battle with winter depression, and sometimes they just have to wait it out. Spring is on it's way! I usually get very reclusive when I'm stressed. I spend a lot of time by myself, not socializing or talking to people. But really, sometimes the best thing you can to is talk/vent to someone.

  18. Stela, I understand how you feel. Just know that nothing stays the same. We all have these horrible bad patches and some last longer than others. Just know sunshine is right around the corner. Things are always subject to change. I try to do something I love. That always helps. You'll get through this. You're always cheering everyone else up. That's the way I am. Sometimes we need attention. You have a wonderful and supporting husband. He's a wonderful support system. ((HUG))

  19. Hope you feel better dear. Just take it one step at a time =)

    Really enjoy your blog. I am your newest follower. Please check my blog out and follow me if you like it! Thanks =)

  20. so sorry to hear you've had a less than stellar time. i totally understand you though. putting on a record + cleaning my house top to bottom is sometimes the best stress reliever for me. i'm not sure why i like cleaning when i'm stressed... it works though! or a bubble bath... i can't wait until that's a daily habit again! sending lots of positive vibes your way, sweet lady! you've got this! <3

  21. OMG...rough rough. I was going to suggest a glass of wine or a nice Baileys, but that is already part of your solution. Yay for Feb 1 then - hope this month is better.

  22. Oh wow you're right, one month does not equal the whole year. I think I needed to hear that too! I'm sorry January was poopy for you, but I'm sure this month will be better. As for what I do to pull myself out of bad moods, I have a few little tricks...

    -Hot herbal tea with honey (that's my cure for just about everything).
    -Upbeat music
    -Funny movies
    -A "just because" craft session with no pressure or sales goals in mind.

  23. i feel you! i've been a train wreck as of late...

    bubble baths and naps are really helping out.
