Thursday, March 22, 2012

life lately // through instagram

1. Eating dinner on the balcony of the restaurant. It was kind of a bad idea because it was super windy and it got cold. Womp womp. Dinner was yummy!
2. Made a hair accessory for a dinner party. You can see the finished product here.
3. Husband skateboarding throughout the shop on a Saturday afternoon.  
4. Hello Spring! Flowers are everywhere!
5. Daily dog park visits.
6. Iced coffee, painting my nails and catching up on my blog reading. 
7. Ah! Another coffee photo. I love coffee and this mug my bestie gave me.  
8. My stack of fabrics who so desperately need my attention. I haven't sewn in weeks and I really need to get back to it. 
9. This is as good as our family photo is going to get. 

If you have instagram you can follow me @stelabird!


  1. I love all the patterns in that happy stack of fabric. Also, iced coffee sounds really good, haven't had any since last summer. :)

  2. Great photos! Your shop is looking magnificient, and I love your homemade hairpin. Buzzzzz!

  3. I love when people do these posts!! Those fabrics look so fun. I am attempting to learn how to sew right now...not much success so far, but I have always been intrigued by beautiful fabrics!

  4. Your shop looks lovely. And I like the iced coffee and the family photo! TFS

  5. Great photo collage :)
    I'm so envious of your shop! Love the personalized coffee mug and your family photo :)

  6. Great instagrams!! Ooh, you have one of those Anthropologie mugs!
    I was going to get one but they are sold out here!!

  7. Those flowers are gorgeous, love all the bright colors! And cute mug too!

  8. Awesome mix of photos! It is great to see the flowers coming out and to start enjoying spring activities like iced coffee, the dog park, and eating outside.

  9. Cute! Looks like you guys have been up to a lot of great stuff!

  10. Oooh ~ lovely pile of fabrics ~ swoon!

  11. I love how many of your pictures involve coffee. And we have those same Anthro mugs with the chunky monogram! Different letters, though. :-)

  12. that basket of fabrics looks so fun!!!!!!
