Sunday, July 29, 2012

Not Important

Sunday I usually share the songs I'm obsessed with but I thought I would switch it up today. Mostly because I'm not listening to anything new. I'm still on my America and The Head and The Heart kick!
So today I'm sharing a quote. Something that I believe is a great reminder:
I'm a worrier and sometimes the littlest things that don't matter bother me and  I feel like it is the end of the world. Dramatic, right?! 
I love this saying because it reminds me to settle down on my worrying. 
Saves me a lot of energy. 

I hope you have an amazing Sunday. And let's not sweat the small stuff!


  1. Love this! I worry a lot too...but some things just aren't worth even thinking about. Things work out eventually :)

  2. Wonderful quote, thank you for sharing! Something I must remember, being as I'm a worrier too! Wishing you a great Sunday!

  3. Couldn't be more true! I went through a period of several years where I obsessed about everything! I was so afraid of the "what if's." Then it dawned on me that 9 out of 10 times, I was wasting negative energy worrying about things that didn't happen. I've come a long way since then.

    Great quote.

  4. Thank you for this reminder! I am the same way. Sometimes I try the question, "Will this matter in one/five/ten years?" The answer is almost always no! Happy Sunday :)

  5. I tend to be a worrier too! I play out scenarios of every possible thing that can go wrong in a situation...not healthy!
    But I do try to pick my battles when it comes to making a big deal out of small things. I try to look at the big picture and that helps me regroup :)

  6. This is also a great reminder that we don't have to do EVERYTHING. Seems like summer is a time that we go go go and try to fit in everything into our short days. Sometimes we need to say no to the not as important things and spend some time relaxing and reading a book!

  7. I agree! The other quote I fall back on that is similar to this one is "choose your battles". Reminds me that not EVERYthing has to be a battle.

  8. I, too, am a worrier. It's a daily challenge to keep it in check. Love the quote!

  9. I do the same thing.. Always ends up that the things I worry about most are the things that go the smoothest! Definitely has the potential to take up a lot of energy. Love having the go-to quotes to help get through these silly, anxious moments. You're not alone my dear.. Don't think, just do!

  10. So true, Stela! I am also a worrier and really need to keep this in mind more often!

  11. thanks for stopping in and following. Following you back!

  12. worrying is one of the easiest things to do friend--I like this thing that helps me too is to remember to zoom out. so often we are zoomed into our problems or a problem or a specific issue and we feel so blinded and consumed by it. but by zooming out and seeing the bigger picture and applying reality to it, such as "this won't last forever" "I can take one day at a time." "it won't be this way in 6 months from now." whatever works for you...anyway that has helped me;)
