Sunday, August 17, 2008

mellow yellow

Today was suppose to be a stelabird day, but that did not happen. Riley and I had lunch at Subway then decided to walk to Petco to buy a fish to name Michael Phelps. Sadly, we did not find a fish we loved to name Michael Phelps. We then walked to Pier 1 and ended up roaming the store for some time. It got us excited again to finish decorating our home. After that we went to Lowe's and bought yellow paint and plywood. Then we came home and painted.

We had to do multiple coats so they are currently drying. I'll post pictures of the finished product later.
Classes start tomorrow!


  1. Aww! You guys are cute. Can't wait to see the finished product. Good luck with your last semester! I hope it is the most awesome! Just like you! OOh!

  2. Awww, I love the idea of searching fo ra fish you love to name Michael Phelps :-) The yellow looks pretty, too.
