Here is who's up for grabs!
This owl snuggly is super soft, sleepy and kind and makes a great pillow, cuddle buddy or friend! Also known as The Jailbird, so watch out for your cupcakes, it's their favorite. Made from fleece and measures 7"w, 11"h.
Here's how to enter:
Simply leave a comment in this post! That's all! Say whatever you want; how your day was, what book I should read next, a random fact about you, whatever!
Be sure to include your email address in your comment so that I can get in touch with you to get your mailing address.
I'll be using the random number generator to pick ONE winner!!
Giveaway will end on Saturday October 18 at 11:59 pm CST.
Happy Giveaway!
Owl is the grand and rather clever old man of the forest. He can also spell Tuesday. - Winnie The Pooh
ReplyDeleteVery cute! :0)
ohhh the owl is so cute =)
ReplyDeleteI want to win :P
and you should read - nick and norah's infinite playlist .. such a great book. I want to watch the movie too
Have you seen the movie Star Dust? It is fantastic! I am finishing the Eragon Book series!
Oh, too cute! But not as jawdropping cute as the Abominable-- er, the Yeti! (heck with it, it's a bumble, and I WANT IT!)
ReplyDeleteYou should blog! You'd fit in well with our wee crowd:).
And the Discworld series! Start with Maurice and his Amazing Rodents, if you haven't read any-- I bet you'll get hooked.
You have a very cute blog! And I would love to be included in your giveaway :o) The owl is super adorable!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute snuggly owl!
ReplyDeleteI loved seeing all your goodies at Indie Emporium!
So far my day is pretty darn good.You should read the book Nell,it's better than the movie which I loved!Um, and you should always go to Now entering momville and enter the giveaways there!
ReplyDeleteThat owl looks adorable! My daughter has a little collection of stuffed ones that she hugs and tucks in bed at night.
ReplyDeletei love this one! too cute
ReplyDeletei bought one from you awhile back with a seersucker tummy...
and now he needs a friend.
Yeah, the owl won! Obviously, that is what I voted for. I just LOVE owls, and yours are just way too cute!
ReplyDeleteIn case I'm super lucky and win this cutie:
Thanks for the chance!
Olive and Calder asked me to enter them:)!!!
I love his tummy so fun! I also love the Yetis a bunch but you know all of you stuff if super fun!
You should read "Wonderful Tonight" by Pattie Boyd. That woman has lived one interesting life. I really enjoy your blog and good for you for updating it so often!
Yay, snugglie owls are so cute!
ReplyDeleteI wish mine were that cute.
Did I win yet??? I can think of a million reasons why I want this owl. One of them being, if I win, I can have it addressed to my husband who claims he never gets anything in the mail ever.
ReplyDeletexx Tia
Today is my little pumpkin's second birthday, and she would LOVE a snuggly owl. Yours are the cutest I've seen!
ReplyDeleteYou should read "Ella Minnow Pea". It's clever!
ReplyDeleteI love this owl. As do I love all of your stuff!
That owl is adorable! I have three kids and I know all 4 of us will fight for it! Thanks!!!
Oh, he's so cute!
I love the owl. He is snuggly cute! Great shop.
love the owl! My husband and I have decided that the only pets we can ever get are fake ones because we aren't cut out for real ones. So, we would love a fake owl pet!
ReplyDeleteSo yeah.
I figured I'd enter.
i dont think ima make it to indie emporium this year.*crycry*
Hows the business going?
Aww he is so adorable! I love your owl snugglies they make me soo happy.
ReplyDeleteYou should read The Perks of Being a Wallflower, it's amazing!
Ohh yay! I'm obsessed with owls and have your scheduled to blog about next week actually! haha
ReplyDeleteYou should read Geek Love. It's one of my favorite books!
I want it!! I bought one of your owl pins at Indie Emporium...and I have a purse with trees that I put it looks so cute!!!
ReplyDelete-Kimberlee Newman
Hi Stela!!!
ReplyDeleteGeeze, what a day! I really love what you are doing with this little give away.
Can I use your comment space to vent?! I hope so! (if not, please just skip down to the next paragraph!)
I have a HUGE wholesale show that starts tomorrow :) Which is really great and really exciting, and could be potentially really successful for my business. However, this really important over nighted box that was supposed to arrive - did not arrive! The post man guy dropped off all of my mail next to my 3rd floor office door but did not leave my box!! Yikes! So after much distress and being on hold with USPS, I find out that my daily plans are ruined because I have to stay at my office until the post man guy comes back with my package due to the fact that he cannot leave the package unless someone is here to receive it! On top of that - it cannot wait until tomorrow because I leave for Boston at 6am! What a flippin' mess!
wooooo, deep breath. I feel much better now
Anyways - I know that complimenting your work won't help me win this give-a-way because of the random number pick thing - but I do want to say - I LOVE YOUR WORK! I am always telling people about the things you do and make! You are actually a true inspiration and I hope some day I can make items just as lovely as yours!
Best Regards!
Your owl is so cute! I'm crossing my fingers that I win!
ReplyDeleteI loved the pictures of your sewing space. I just moved to a new house and now I have my own sewing room - I'm trying to decide what to do with it.
It was so cold when I woke up this morning. I wish I had an owl to snuggle with!
ReplyDeletei just woke up like 5 minutes ago.
ReplyDeletei love the fabric you used on the mushroom pouch.
my eyes are watery.
we're outta coffee. blegh.
Are you sure Riley can let his twin go? Maybe the owlie and my dog can fight over cupcakes at my house!
ReplyDeleteYour pictures from Indie were great! I've always wanted to do a big show, but I don't know if I have the discipline to make that much stuff!
ReplyDeleteI'm Laura Patricia Calle and I made a pillow a while ago...¤t=111_1602.jpg
It was inspired by the dying leaves of autumn and this pillow needs a cuddly friend (so does my head)
My day went okay; I am taking an on line health course and one of the assignments is to walk a mile and measure my pulse so I planned on walking on the treadmill at my college's gym, but when I got there I realized that the treadmill is at the very entrance where everyone can see me. I walked away and instead, decided to walk in my hilly neighborhood.
I own a bible, that is not the Bible, but it is my guide to comprehend people/relationships/balancing scrambled thoughts and it is called Why Am I Afraid To Tell You Who I Am? by John Powell.
"Only when we face our fears can we learn to like ourselves and trust that others will accept us. This extraordinary book has changed countless lives."
It was written in the late sixties and it is still relevant and a great read. I SERIOUSLY recommend it (don't be's not a self-help book that tells you step by step how to become happy, cause we all know that is not the way to attain happiness. I hate self-help bullet points.)
Anyway, I rambled. Hope you enjoyed it!
i have just finished "the time traveler's wife"-- a must read!!! its amazing.
ooo he's adorable!
ReplyDeleteI just started reading your blog - it's GREAT! far as books to read, I recommend 'What is the What' by Dave Eggers. It's devastating, but really really good.
here's my email!
ReplyDeleteYour blog is lovely & this little owlie is just too darn cute. My 9 month old son is really getting into stuffies & I love seeing handmade original, cuddly ones like this little guy.
Thanks for the great giveaway :)
I want to win the owl!!!
The GIVEAWAY! How fun!!
ReplyDeleteAnd the snuggly owl is such a pretty creature!
I love owls, drawing them and painting them!
I love him and I WANT him!!!
ReplyDeleteCheck out my giveaway, too! :D
Good afternoon, m'dear! Hope you're doing well! The owl snuggly is super sweet; makes me want to curl up with a hot cocoa and a fuzzy blanket with him on a rainy afternoon reading "The Wind in the Willows"... *sigh!*
ReplyDeleteAll the best!
Aw! What a cute owly! :)
ReplyDeleteMy grandma collected owls, so whenever I see one, it reminds me of her. :-)
I want, i want! :o)
ReplyDeletei have the perfect spot on my bed for it! hehe!
That owl is adorable!! I hope I win! =)
That owl is adorable!! I hope I win! =)
Oh, he's so cute! I want to snuggle him. :-D
ReplyDeleteI just love your creations. Keep up the good work!!!
On the off chance this little owl wants to come live with me, have him shoot me a convo on Etsy. ;-)
I could really use a snuggly right now!
ReplyDeleteI hoard cuteness and I simple must have this snuggly! :)
ReplyDeleteYay! I voted for the owl!
ReplyDeleteI love your designs.
I started listening to Crystal Castles after you wrote about them in your blog... and now I can't stop! (that's a random fact)
Thanks for doing what you do! Keep up the great work!
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm not really just here for the giveaway.
I just thought I'd also tell you amazing your creations are, and how much my friends appreciate your creativity:). I don't have an owl snuggly, but my friends do.
I suggest you read The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky.
It's an excellent book, and a rather short read. I always lend it out to my friends, and the longest it's taken any of them to read is 2 days. I promise you won't forget, or regret reading it.
Here are some of my favorite quotes from the book, because it is difficult for me to describe what it is about.
"Do you know what 'masturbation' is? I think you probably do because you are older than me. But just in case, I will tell you. Masturbation is when you rub your genitals until you have an orgasm. Wow!"
"I am very interested and fascinated by how everyone loves each other, but no one really likes each other."
"I really think that everyone should have watercolors, magnetic poetry, and a harmonica."
"Everyone else is either asleep or having sex. I've been watching cable television and eating jello."
I really, truly do hope the business goes well.
This is the cutest thing ever, I love to paint, but with watercolors and ah I'd love to take this cute guy and add him to my uglydoll and friendswithyou collection! ^__^ eeep! How exciting!
ReplyDeleteEach owl represents a new world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive.
ReplyDelete-Memory oscillator (& of course Anais Nin, with modifications....)
I love your items! They are incredibly cute and creative. Keep up the good work.
how adorable! I love owls! Cute blog :)
ReplyDeleteAwwww! He's so very, very cute!!
ReplyDeletebeckykaydesigns at yahoo dot com
Aw, Audrey TOTALLY needs an owl snuggly so cuddle with her and her little birdy she got at Indie!~
ReplyDeleteAww, he's super cute!
ReplyDeleteRandom fact: Today is my daughter's 2nd birthday! So hopefully this little owl snuggly could be a belated birthday gift from Stelabird. <3
Have a great week!
that owl is awesome!
ReplyDeletehope you are having a hoot.
wah wah :-)
Woohoo for fleece Owls who eat cupcakes!! yay!! :P *does the wanty hands* i want the wittle snuggler!!!
ReplyDeleteWow...the adorable-ness of this owl has rendered me speechless. I must purchase one for my husband's birthday (if I don't win)...he will be more speechless than I am.
ReplyDeletei am so happy that Maty Beth has your treasures at Dwelling Spaces and that i came across your blog! i gave one of your owls (cup cake belly) to my new friend's baby girl. her first of (i hope) MANY Stelabird treasures.
Oh, I love hooties! I think it might be partly due to the fact that I grew up listening to Hootie and the Blowfish.. and had no idea what a hootie was!
ReplyDeleteAhh, silly day. :O)
I love your blog to pieces! I'm following you now!
Awww I love him! He's so cute. The owl, I mean. :)
ReplyDeleteIf I win I promise to take very good care of him.
Love snuggly Owl!
ReplyDelete(I voted the Yeti though!)
I just finished "Karma and other stories" by Rishi Reddi - it's a quick read, really enjoyed the first story.
Plus, it was only $4 at Barnes and Noble!
I ♥ stelabird.
ReplyDeleteSuch a cute owl!
ReplyDeleteDo you like pumpkin? Try these chocolate-glazed pumpkin cookies from Martha Stewart - they're scrumptious!
♥ Bree //
oh, such a cute one. He'd feel right at home with my little owl beads!
ReplyDeletei'm so sleepy right now, owl looks soo comfy!
ReplyDeletei recommend reading some jeffrey brown. i just finished unlikely.
his drawings are soo cute!
That's such a cute owl! Uh..I also enjoy being on etsy and am working hard to study for my comprehensive exams.
I (along with 19 other team members) pulled a 737 passenger jet in 5.97 seconds for a local Phoenix children's charity and I feel freaking awesome!
ReplyDeleteLove owls! Love most of your stuff, actually. Especially the Yeti's. Can't get enough of them!
ReplyDeleteOh this owl is fantasic! Great work!
ReplyDelete<3 Mannie
The owl is adorable!!!!
This owl fellow should be my friend. He's a grand old chap.
He would match my little bird!
ReplyDeleteI love your work, it's so inspiring. =]
pick whoooo?? pick me!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, you don't know how badly I want this owl! I love your stuff.
ReplyDeleteI have a great little book that I think you'll love. It's called "In Me Own Words: The Autobiography of Bigfoot". It's so funny, and the illustrations are great! Seriously, check it out.
I want to be the lucky number! He is so awesome.
ReplyDeleteI love the owl but not as much as my 4year old would she thinks she is an owl and has the same sleeping patterns of one too lol
ReplyDeleteLOL 76 POSTS! Well my odds are certainly slim! looks like you have a lot of followers! My wife has urged me to try anyways. they are soo cute.
ReplyDeleteabsolutely adorable !!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletewhat a cute thing :) x
ReplyDeleteThat owl is very cute! I love your yetis as well.
ReplyDeleteHello from Amber and Jim!
ReplyDeletelove the owl. So cute. cuddle buddy indeed.
ReplyDeleteAdorable owl!
ReplyDeleteI love your studio-what a great space!
Oh he is cute!
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
That is one charming jailbird! He looks like a perfect snuggle companion :)
ReplyDeleteYou should read The Moonlit Cage by Linda Holeman. She is so visual in her descriptions of sights and sounds and smells that she pulls you right out of your livingroom and into 19th century England and Afghanistan.
I'm leaving this comment on behalf of mr. devan . . . he really wants to win! :p
ReplyDeleteOH he is sew cute, love him!! Thank you very much for visiting my blog
ReplyDeleteI really love your snuggly owl and wood grain owl pouches! They are so very cute! I want to win! :)
ReplyDeleteyour owls are super cute :D
okay, just found your blog and I have to say...serious cuteness goin' on here! Your work is just too fun!
giveaways rock!!! and your owls are always super duper cute.
ReplyDeleteI want, i want, i want!!!
ReplyDeleteBut I have kids' so...
This would be a great addition to my girls' plush collection.....
or mine.
I love all of the owl snugglies!! We are also giving away a prize - an Xbox 360 on our website. Go to to enter to win. Hmmmm..... the last books that I finished last month were Signs of the Zodiac Series #1, 2, and 3 by Vicki Pettersson. They were pretty good. I finished Twilight by Stephenie Meyer last week (I wanted to read it before the movie came out). Now I am reading New Moon. Bye!
ReplyDeleteYay! The owl is so adorable :)!
I want to win! Love your stuff!
I would love to win your owl snuggly. I would be honored to have a stelabird original. I hope I win!! Have you read Eat Pray Love? I've read it twice, it's funny an easy read and like taking a trip to Italy, India and Bali.
ReplyDeleteAh, snuggly is really the word for this old cutie-what a generous giveaway-love it!
ReplyDeleteOh, it's chilly today, I would LOVE to win a snuggly owl!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love everything you make and would be honored to take this owl home if I am the lucky winner!
ReplyDeleteso--- cute love it, love it!
ReplyDeletecontact me at
That owl is so cute. Great giveaway.
ReplyDeleteMy day is going well! I'm about to eat a cinnamon bagel with coffee...yummm.
ReplyDeleteI listen to audiobooks because I drive at least an hour a day. I just finished The Kite Runner and it was really good. David Sedaris books are pretty great too. He's really weird and funny.
I hope I win, that owl snuggly would have a nice home with me! I am always cold, so that would work out well.
my email:!
Yeah, I voted for the owl!
ReplyDeleteHe's so cute!
I'd love him to come live with me!
Wow! You got a lot of comments/entires!