Saturday, December 5, 2009

I can't believe I haven't updated in 2 months!

I have really neglected Stelabird; and it's a shame. I only did two craft shows this holiday season, I rarely update my etsy and I haven't been giving to the local stores I sell at. I make stelabird stuff and put them in our store, The Felt Bird, and I never get caught up.

Riley & I spend all our time and effort into The Felt Bird and it's been great!

We have so many big plans for the store. I can't speak of them because I'll jinx it! That always happens to me; so I best keep it to myself.

*We blog often for Felt Bird; you can view it HERE
*Be a fan on our facebook page HERE
*Follow us on twitter HERE
*be our friend on myspace HERE

Here's what we've been up to the past couple of months...

Riley started dabbling in screen printing. We have a little collection of his animal shirts that he's created.

When he's not doing that he's making things around the store. He recently made our sign behind the counter. He got letters from an art&supply store and covered them with felt and placed them on plywood.

Once the holiday season is over he plans to record again.

I recently turned 25

I started watching Mad Men; which is amazing. The only problem is that I want to drink wine every time I see an episode.

Dexter is now 9 months

And he loves wearing sweaters!
We got him his first sweater because we were going to have a tacky sweater party and we wanted him to wear one. When we put it on him he gained all this confidence; it was hilarious! He just seems happier with one on so we had to get more.

His nicknames are poo poo doo doos (for poodle/dexter+poodle, not because he poos every where), sweater & doodlebear.
Dexter comes to work with us everyday.

He's a little shy when meeting new customers. They will try and pet him and he will slowly walk backwards.
Dexter is jealous. When we pet other dogs in front of him Dexter will get in their way to get to us or jump on our laps.
He sleeps on all the rugs at the store and loves to sunbathe.

and He's a super jumper

He's been amazing.

That's what we've been up to!


  1. Good Morning,
    I've missed you and glad that everything is OK. Happy Birthday. Your Store looks fabulous. Happy Holidays ~Natalie

  2. I think priorities are important, and sometimes there are things that take precedence over other aspects in your life. As long as you're taking care of yourself and your loved ones, it's all good.

    It was fun to look through the photos of your store and your pup. You three make the perfect little family. And I lol'd at the pic of the three of you sporting your sweaters. SO cute!

  3. Woot! About time you posted something! jk. OUt holiday has been CRAZY! and I may not be abler to post on my own blog. Happy to hear that the felt bird is doing well. It looks like it is filling out nicely with goodies! Cheryls cant keep her stockings in her Etsy shop and we are about 5 days behind on orders! When it rains, it pours! Hope your holiday shopping season is filled with bounty as well...

  4. congratulations on your new store opening!!
    and how cute is little dexter! awe. ADORABLE in his little sweaters. your little family melts my heart.

    i've been on a search for a little owl plushie for a christmas gift but i think everyone has bought them all up. :( should've bought one when i had the chance at the girlie show!

  5. the store looks like it grows everyday! it looks so much more full since i got to see it in october! i hope the holidays are treating the felt bird well! if i lived in enid, i'd be there buying all of the rest of my xmas gifts! i know the ones i bought there are going to be a huge hit! i have deluxe this weekend but i am going to be working on animal cracker necklaces for the store and will hopefully mail them out monday morning!!
