Sunday, March 18, 2012

songs on repeat: sxsw edition

We're back from our trip to Austin! It was a lot of fun but I hope to stay for longer next year; hopefully get a chance to do more and explore Austin, because we didn't get that chance this trip. 
Also, I discovered I'm bad at taking photos when I'm in large crowds. It may be I'm too distracted by everything else that I forget to snap photos, who knows, but I hardly took any photos while there. Wah wah. 
I did get a photo of husband playing on Tuesday night at Friends, our first night there. Actually the only photos I took were of some my favorite bands we got to see.  
We started our next day at the Warby Parker outdoor stage. I thought this was the perfect way to start the day because it wasn't in the chaos of the festival. 
For this week's Song on Repeat I'll be sharing my favorite songs from my favorite bands we got to see at SXSW
Friends of Friends by Hospitality on Grooveshark 
Cannons by Youth Lagoon on Grooveshark
Origins by Tennis on Grooveshark
What You Were by The Drums on Grooveshark

What song or band are you listening to on repeat lately?
Happy listening! 


  1. Looks like everyone had such a fantastic time! We have similar taste in music, I like to think that music keeps this ol' 30 something young, cheers!

  2. Oh my goodness. I would have loved to be there! Did you get a chance to see The Punch Brothers? They're beautiful. I just about die when I see them play :)

  3. I'm so jealous! I love Austin. I've only been there once, but I had a blast!

  4. What fun! I love to listen to live music and this looks like a blast! And how fun to watch your hubby play too :)

  5. Glad you had a great time! Don't you wish all trips were longer (well, especially the good ones) hahaha
