Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Random Facts!

Here are some random facts about yours truly!

1. Husband does all the cooking. And we're both okay with that.

2. I love participating in focus groups/surveys! In college I was always signing up to take them (and got extra credit). Last year I signed up to participate in studies/focus groups/surveys and I got a call last week to do one. Yay! Getting paid to give my opinions? Don't mind if I do! 

3. Right now, I'm crazy obsessed with rice krispie treats. They are fun and easy to make. And oh so delicious to eat. 

4. I'm short (5'1)! 

5. A (non)word that makes me cringe. Ya'll. AH! My ears hurt when I hear it, and I hear it all the time living in Oklahoma. 

What are some random facts about you?
Have an amazing Wednesday!!


  1. hahaha! i think we have all five in common!

  2. Fun facts, Stela!!
    Oh, and we're about the same size give or take an inch :)

  3. Thanks for sharing Stela, it's good to know a little bit more about you.

  4. Cute cute pic!
    Random facts? Hmm, I dunno. I like heights! I'm height-crazy!

  5. Fun facts, Stela!

    I would never have pegged you as a rice krispie treats person -- but aren't they yummy!
    Here are a few random facts about me: My favorite color is purple. I grew up on a farm in SD and attended a one room school through 4th grade. My favorite food is ice cream.


    1. Love your random facts! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I'm jealous...I wish I never had to cook again!
    And now I'm craving a Rice Krispie Treat :)

    Random fact: I've lived in the same town my entire life!

  7. My husband does all the cooking too and I do the cleaning. I have always wanted to try a focus group since I have been unemployed, but never have. Mmmm rice krispies. I am only about 5'5 but feel taller these days. Cant think of words I hate... but I don't really like to when people over-use curse words just to fill in space.
    Five random facts about me: I grew up without a TV. The summer I graduated High School I had surgery when my mouth was wired shut for about three months and had to eat though a straw. I am currently packing up my home of 13 years in NY and moving with husband and two kids to Savannah , GA to a new life and adventure. I rarely wear a skirt. I am currently obsessed with Downton Abbey.
    Happy mid-week!

    1. Thanks for sharing your random facts! Good luck with the move; that will be an amazing adventure!

  8. He does all the cooking?! That's fantastic. Also fantastic, I'm coming to the store today.

    1. He does. I'm a really bad cook and he's naturally awesome!
      Yay!! Can't wait to see you! Bring Maizey days if you'd like!

  9. I do focus groups/surveys too! I even did one where we had to taste beer. Score! I have had a craving for rice krispies since seeing your instagram pic but I am trying to resist!

  10. How fun! My boyfriend does most of the cooking too. :)

  11. Now I want to make some Rice Krispie treats! I am also short (5'2). A non-word that makes me cringe is nother, as in when people say "that's a whole nother story."

  12. Laughing at ya'll: I say it ALL the time, and hadn't noticed until my first day in front of a group of Northern 5th graders. They asked if I was from the country, to which I replied, is Virginia the south? We were in MD at the time.... haha

  13. hahahah I'm from Texas and never noticed how much I said "y'all until I moved away. It was embarrassing when it came out during a business meeting at my first job. It's just what we're used to down here! and I'm short too, ALMOST 5'2" haha

  14. I love your random facts! I'm from Texas and sometimes say y'all but I honestly try not to sound TOO Texan!

    A few facts about me:
    My boyfriend and I collect stuffed animals, give them names, back-stories, personalities and sometimes voices. People think we are weird. We just think we have a big imagination :)
    I pretend I'm a famous singer in the shower and rock out, sometimes hurt myself doing so.
    I can't eat salad or lettuce of any kind, it makes me gag. Haha!

  15. I didn't know you were so tiny! :) My mom was a huge fan of Rice Krispie treats when I was growing up, and we ate them all the time. I don't eat them that much anymore, and whenever I do, it reminds me of being little.

  16. i can only hope that i can one day find a husband who will do all the cooking too ;)
