Sunday, May 20, 2012

Song(s) on Repeat // Beach House Bloom

It's Sunday, which means I'm sharing songs that I'm listening to on repeat!
This past week I've been listening to an album on repeat. It's the new album Bloom from Beach House!
 Bloom was released last week and it's all I can listen to. It's so good guys.

What song/album do you have on repeat?
Happy listening! 


  1. I'm only on the first song right now, and I love it already! So dreamy and relaxing...

  2. i just got it today! have only listened to a little bit though, but sounds awesome so far!

  3. I have the new Norah Jones on repeat. This Bloom album is very dreamy and relaxing.
    I bought my husband the new Tenacious D today- he will have that on full blast in the blast without me for sure ;)
    Have a good week!

  4. awe this is such a beautiful playlist, I've been listening to trance/house recently and coming to your blog and listening to your playlist relaxes my mind completely :)

